
Module providing configuration options for the subpackage.

See also

The Configger class used


This module instantiates the Configger class provided by magni.utils.config. The configuration options are the following:

iterations : int
The maximum number of iterations to do (the default is 300).
kappa : {‘fixed’, ‘adaptive’}
The method used to calculate the step-size (relaxation) parameter kappa.
kappa_fixed : float
The step-size (relaxation parameter) used in the algorithm when a fixed step-size is used (the default is 0.65).
precision_float : {np.float, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.float128}
The floating point precision used for the computations (the default is np.float64).
report_history : bool
The indicator of whether or not to return the progress history along with the result (the default is False).
stop_criterion : str
The stop criterion to use in the iterations (the default is residual_measurements_ratio).
threshold : {‘far’, ‘fixed’}
The method used for calculating the threshold value.
threshold_fixed : int
The number of non-zero coefficients in the signal vector when this number is assumed fixed.
threshold_operator : {‘hard’, ‘soft’, ‘weighted_hard’, ‘weighted_soft’, ‘none’}
The threshold operator used in the backprojection step.
threshold_weights : ndarray
Array of weights to be used in one of the weighted threshold operators (the default is array([[1]]), which implies that all coefficients are weighted equally).
tolerance : float
The least acceptable ratio of residual to measurements (in 2-norm) to break the interations (the default is 0.001).
true_solution : ndarray or None
The true solution to allow for tracking the convergence of the algorithm in the artificial setup where the true solution is known a-priori (the default is None, which implies that no true solution tracking is used).
warm_start : ndarray
The initial guess of the solution vector (the default is None, which implies that a vector of zeros is used).