magni.cs.phase_transition._config moduleΒΆ

Module providing configuration options for the phase_transition subpackage.

See also

The Configger class used


This module instantiates the Configger class provided by magni.utils.config. The configuration options are the following:

algorithm_kwargs : dict
The keyword arguments passed on to the reconstruction algorithm.
coefficients : {‘rademacher’, ‘gaussian’, ‘laplace’, ‘bernoulli’}
The distribution which the non-zero coefficients in the coefficient vector are drawn from.
custom_noise_factory : callable
The callable that generates a custom m-by-1 vector of noise from the four arguments “m”, “n”, “k”, “noise_power”.
custom_system_matrix_factory : callable
The callable that generates a custom m-by-n system matrix from the two arguments “m”, “n”.
delta : list or tuple
The delta values of the delta-rho grid whose points are used for the monte carlo simulations (the default is [0., 1.]).
logit_solver : {‘built-in’, ‘sklearn’}
The solver to use in the logistic regression fit of the phase transition.
maxpoints : int
The maximum number of phase space grid points to be handled by a process before it is replaced by a new process to free ressources (the default is None, which implies that processes are not replaced).
monte_carlo : int
The number of monte carlo simulations to run in each point of the delta-rho grid (the default is 1).
noise : {‘AWGN’, ‘AWLN’, ‘custom’}
The type of noise to use (the default is None, which implies that noiseless measurements are used).
problem_size : int
The length of the coefficient vector (the default is 800).
rho : list or tuple
The rho values of the delta-rho grid whose points are used for the monte carlo simulations (the default is [0., 1.]).
seed : int
The seed used when picking seeds for generating data for the monte carlo simulations or using the scikit-learn logistic regression solver (the default is None, which implies an arbitrary seed).
SNR : int or float
The signal-to-noise ratio in decibel to use (the default is 40 dB).
support_distribution : ndarray
The n x 1 support distribution array to use in the generation of test vectors (the default is None, which implies that the active entries in test vectors are the low index entries).
system_matrix : {‘USE’, ‘RandomDCT2D’, ‘custom’}
The system matrix to use in the simulation (the default is USE, which implies that the system matrix is drawn from the Uniform Spherical Ensemble ).