Source code for magni.imaging.measurements._random_line

    Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Magni developers.
    All rights reserved.
    See LICENSE.rst for further information.

Module providing public functions for the magni.imaging.measurements

Routine listings
random_line_sample_image(h, w, scan_length, num_points, discrete=None,
    Function for random line sampling an image.
random_line_sample_surface(l, w, speed, sample_rate, time, discrete=None,
    Function for random line sampling a surface.


from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

from magni.imaging.measurements import _util
from magni.utils.validation import decorate_validation as _decorate_validation
from magni.utils.validation import validate_numeric as _numeric

__all__ = ['random_line_sample_image', 'random_line_sample_surface']

_min_l = _util.min_l
_min_w = _util.min_w
_min_speed = _util.min_speed
_min_sample_rate = _util.min_sample_rate
_min_time = _util.min_time
_min_scan_length = _util.min_scan_length
_min_num_points = _util.min_num_points

[docs]def random_line_sample_image(h, w, scan_length, num_points, discrete=None, seed=None): """ Sample an image using a set of random straight lines. The coordinates (in units of pixels) resulting from sampling an image of size `h` times `w` using a pattern based on a set of random straight lines are determined. The `scan_length` determines the length of the path scanned whereas `num_points` indicates the number of samples taken on that path. If `discrete` is set, it specifies the finite number of equally spaced lines from which the scan lines are be chosen at random. For reproducible results, the `seed` may be used to specify a fixed seed of the random number generator. Parameters ---------- h : int The height of the area to scan in units of pixels. w : int The width of the area to scan in units of pixels. scan_length : float The length of the path to scan in units of pixels. num_points : int The number of samples to take on the scanned path. discrete : int or None, optional The number of equally spaced lines from which the scan lines are chosen (the default is None, which implies that no discritisation is used). seed : int or None, optional The seed used for the random number generator (the defaul is None, which implies that the random number generator is not seeded). Returns ------- coords : ndarray The coordinates of the samples arranged into a 2D array, such that each row is a coordinate pair (x, y). Notes ----- The orientation of the coordinate system is such that the width `w` is measured along the x-axis whereas the height `h` is measured along the y-axis. Each of the scanned lines span the entire width of the image with the exception of the last line that may only be partially scanned if the `scan_length` implies this. The top and bottom lines of the image are always included in the scan. Examples -------- For example, >>> import numpy as np >>> from magni.imaging.measurements import random_line_sample_image >>> h = 10 >>> w = 10 >>> scan_length = 50.0 >>> num_points = 12 >>> seed = 6021 >>> np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) >>> random_line_sample_image(h, w, scan_length, num_points, seed=seed) array([[ 0.5 , 0.5 ], [ 4.59090909, 0.5 ], [ 8.68181818, 0.5 ], [ 7.01473938, 1.28746666], [ 2.92383029, 1.28746666], [ 0.5 , 2.95454545], [ 0.5 , 7.04545455], [ 4.03665944, 7.59970419], [ 8.12756853, 7.59970419], [ 8.68181818, 9.5 ], [ 4.59090909, 9.5 ], [ 0.5 , 9.5 ]]) """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _numeric('h', 'integer', range_='[2;inf)') _numeric('w', 'integer', range_='[2;inf)') _numeric('scan_length', 'floating', range_='[{};inf)'.format(_min_scan_length)) _numeric('num_points', 'integer', range_='[{};inf)'.format(_min_num_points)) _numeric('discrete', 'integer', range_='[2;inf)', ignore_none=True) _numeric('seed', 'integer', range_='[0;inf)', ignore_none=True) validate_input() coords = random_line_sample_surface(float(h - 1), float(w - 1), scan_length, float(num_points - 1), 1.0, discrete=discrete, seed=seed) coords = coords + 0.5 return coords
[docs]def random_line_sample_surface(l, w, speed, sample_rate, time, discrete=None, seed=None): """ Sample a surface area using a set of random straight lines. The coordinates (in units of meters) resulting from sampling an image of size `l` times `w` using a pattern based on a set of random straight lines are determined. The scanned path is determined from the probe `speed` and the scan `time`. If `discrete` is set, it specifies the finite number of equally spaced lines from which the scan lines are be chosen at random. For reproducible results, the `seed` may be used to specify a fixed seed of the random number generator. Parameters ---------- l : float The length of the area to scan in units of meters. w : float The width of the area to scan in units of meters. speed : float The probe speed in units of meters/second. sample_rate : float The sample rate in units of Hertz. time : float The scan time in units of seconds. discrete : int or None, optional The number of equally spaced lines from which the scan lines are chosen (the default is None, which implies that no discritisation is used). seed : int or None, optional The seed used for the random number generator (the defaul is None, which implies that the random number generator is not seeded). Returns ------- coords : ndarray The coordinates of the samples arranged into a 2D array, such that each row is a coordinate pair (x, y). Notes ----- The orientation of the coordinate system is such that the width `w` is measured along the x-axis whereas the length `l` is measured along the y-axis. Each of the scanned lines span the entire width of the image with the exception of the last line that may only be partially scanned if the `speed` and `time` implies this. The top and bottom lines of the image are always included in the scan and are not included in the `discrete` number of lines. Examples -------- For example, >>> import numpy as np >>> from magni.imaging.measurements import random_line_sample_surface >>> l = 2e-6 >>> w = 2e-6 >>> speed = 7e-7 >>> sample_rate = 1.0 >>> time = 12.0 >>> seed = 6021 >>> np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) >>> random_line_sample_surface(l, w, speed, sample_rate, time, seed=seed) array([[ 0. , 0. ], [ 0.00000067, 0. ], [ 0.00000133, 0. ], [ 0.000002 , 0. ], [ 0.000002 , 0.00000067], [ 0.000002 , 0.00000133], [ 0.00000158, 0.00000158], [ 0.00000091, 0.00000158], [ 0.00000024, 0.00000158], [ 0. , 0.000002 ], [ 0.00000067, 0.000002 ], [ 0.00000133, 0.000002 ], [ 0.000002 , 0.000002 ]]) """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _numeric('l', 'floating', range_='[{};inf)'.format(_min_l)) _numeric('w', 'floating', range_='[{};inf)'.format(_min_w)) _numeric('speed', 'floating', range_='[{};inf)'.format(_min_speed)) _numeric('sample_rate', 'floating', range_='[{};inf)'.format(_min_sample_rate)) _numeric('time', 'floating', range_='[{};inf)'.format(_min_time)) _numeric('discrete', 'integer', range_='[2;inf)', ignore_none=True) _numeric('seed', 'integer', range_='[0;inf)', ignore_none=True) if (speed * time - 2 * w - l) / w <= -1: # Estimated number of lines in addition to top and bottom lines # must exceed -1 to avoid drawing a negative number of lines at # random. msg = ('The value of >>(speed * time - 2 * w - l) / w<<, {!r}, ' 'must be > -1.') raise ValueError(msg.format((speed * time - 2 * w - l) / w)) validate_input() if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) num_lines = int(np.floor((speed * time - l) / w)) if discrete is None: lines = np.sort(np.random.rand(num_lines - 2) * l) else: possible_lines = l / (discrete + 1) * np.arange(1, discrete + 1) try: lines = np.sort(np.random.choice( possible_lines, size=num_lines - 2, replace=False)) except ValueError: raise ValueError('The number of Discrete lines must be large ' + 'enough to contain the entire scan path. With ' + 'the current settings, a minimun of ' '{!r} lines are required.'.format(num_lines - 2)) coords = np.zeros((2 * num_lines, 2)) coords[1::4, 0] = coords[2::4, 0] = w coords[2:-2:2, 1] = coords[3:-2:2, 1] = lines coords[-2:, 1] = l return _util.sample_lines(coords, speed, sample_rate, time)