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Module providing functions for calculating the step-size (relaxation parameter)
used in the Iterative Thresholding algorithms.

Routine listings
    Calculate a step-size value in an 'adaptive' way.
    Calculate the fixed step-size value.
    Return a function handle to a given calculation method.


from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

from magni.utils.matrices import Matrix as _Matrix
from magni.utils.matrices import MatrixCollection as _MatrixC

[docs]def wrap_calculate_using_adaptive(var): """ Arguments wrapper for culculate_using_adaptive. Calculate a step-size value in an 'adaptive' way. """ convert = var['convert'] A = var['A'] def calculate_using_adaptive(var): """ Calculate a step-size value in an 'adaptive' way. Parameters ---------- var : dict Dictionary of variables used in the calculation of the step-size. Returns ------- kappa : float The step-size to be used in the IHT algorithm. Notes ----- The 'adaptive' step-size selection from [1]_ is used. .. warning:: This does not implement the Normalized IHT algorithm. It merely uses the adaptive choice of kappa for a 'correctly identified' support. References ---------- .. [1] T. Blumensath and M.E. Davies, "Normalized Iterative Hard Thresholding: Guaranteed Stability and Performance", *IEEE Journal Selected Topics in Signal Processing*, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 298-309, Apr. 2010. """ support = var['alpha'] != 0 if np.alltrue(~support): # For an empty support set, try with kappa=1 g = np.ones(1) G = g elif isinstance(A, _Matrix) or isinstance(A, _MatrixC): g = var['c'].copy() g[~support] = 0 G = A else: g = var['c'][support] G = A[:, support.ravel()] kappa = convert(np.linalg.norm(g)**2 / np.linalg.norm(**2) return kappa return calculate_using_adaptive
[docs]def wrap_calculate_using_fixed(var): """ Arguments wrapper for calculate_using_fixed. Calculate a fixed step-size value. """ kappa = var['kappa'] def calculate_using_fixed(var): """ Calculate a fixed step-size value. Parameters ---------- var : dict Dictionary of variables used in the calculation of the step-size. Returns ------- kappa : float The step-size to be used in the IHT algorithm. """ return kappa return calculate_using_fixed
[docs]def get_function_handle(method, var): """ Return a function handle to a given calculation method. Parameters ---------- method : str Identifier of the calculation method to return a handle to. var : dict Local variables needed in the step-size method. Returns ------- f_handle : function Handle to calculation `method` defined in this globals scope. """ return globals()['wrap_calculate_using_' + method](var)