Source code for magni.cs.reconstruction.gamp.input_channel

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    All rights reserved.
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Module providing input channel functions for the Generalised Approximate
Message Passing (GAMP) algorithm.

Routine listings
    A base class for validated `magni.cs.reconstruction.gamp` input channels.
    A base class for validated basic input channels.
    A General Weighted Sparse MMSE input channel.
    An i.i.d. Gaussian MMSE input channel.
    An i.i.d. Laplace MMSE input channel.
    An i.i.d. Bernoulli Gauss MMSE input channel.
    An i.i.d. sparse Gauss Bernoulli MMSE input channel.


from __future__ import division
import copy

import numpy as np
from scipy import special, stats

from magni.utils.config import Configger as _Configger
from magni.utils.validation import decorate_validation as _decorate_validation
from magni.utils.validation import validate_generic as _generic
from magni.utils.validation import validate_numeric as _numeric
from magni.utils.validation import validate_once as _validate_once
from magni.utils.validation.types import MMSEInputChannel as _MMSEInputChannel

[docs]class ValidatedMMSEInputChannel(_MMSEInputChannel): """ A base class for validated `magni.cs.reconstruction.gamp` input channels. Parameters ---------- var : dict The input channel state variables. """ def __init__(self, var): super(ValidatedMMSEInputChannel, self).__init__(var) @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('var', 'mapping') validate_input() @_validate_once
[docs] def compute(self, var): """ Compute the input channel value. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing of the input channel value. Returns ------- mean : ndarray The computed input channel mean. variance : ndarray The computed input channel variance. Notes ----- This method honors `magni.utils.validation.enable_allow_validate_once`. Subclasses of this class are expected to override this method and then call it using `super` since it only implements the necessary input validation. """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('var', 'mapping') validate_input()
[docs]class ValidatedBasicMMSEInputChannel(ValidatedMMSEInputChannel): """ A base class for validated basic input channels. The term "basic" refers to channels that may be used in combination with the General Weighted Sparse (`GWS`) channel framework. Parameters ---------- var : dict The input channel state variables. """ def __init__(self, var): super(ValidatedBasicMMSEInputChannel, self).__init__(var) @_validate_once
[docs] def compute_Z(self, var): """ Compute the input channel normalisation constant. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing of the normalisation constant. Returns ------- Z : ndarray The computed normalisation constant. Notes ----- This method honors `magni.utils.validation.enable_allow_validate_once`. Subclasses of this class are expected to override this method and then call it using `super` since it only implements the necessary input validation. """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('var', 'mapping') validate_input()
[docs] def get_EM_element(self, channel_parameter): """ Return the element needed in computing the channel_parameter EM update. Parameters ---------- channel_parameter : str The channel parameter for which the EM element is needed. Returns ------- EM_element : ndarray The EM element needed for the channel parameter EM update. Notes ----- This method honors `magni.utils.validation.enable_allow_validate_once`. Subclasses of this class are expected to override this method and then call it using `super` since it only implements the necessary input validation. """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('channel_parameter', 'string') validate_input()
[docs]class GWS(ValidatedMMSEInputChannel): """ A General Weighted Sparse MMSE input channel. This channel is a an independent but non-identically weighted linear combination of a Bernoulli component and a "phi" component from another arbitrary distribution. Parameters ---------- tau : float or int The prior signal "density" (fraction of "phi" to Bernouilli). weights : ndarray or None The n-by-1 vector of channel weights. If None, a vector of all ones is used. phi_channel : ValidatedBasicMMSEInputChannel The input channel instance implementing the "phi" component. phi_channel_parameters : dict The dictionary containing the parameters needed to initialise the phi_channel. use_em : bool The indicator of whether or not to use Expectation Maximazion (EM) to learn the prior parameters. adjust_tau_method : {'truncate', 'reweight'} The adjustment method to use if the EM-update of tau gets larger than one. Notes ----- The above Parameters are the input channel parameters that must be passed in a `var` dict to the channel constructor. If `use_em` is True, the value given for `tau` is used for initialialisation. When using EM, the `phi_channel_parameters` are updated in alphabetical order. If the tau EM-update gets larger than one, it must be adjusted to avoid divergence of the GAMP algorithm. Two methods for this adjustment are available: * Truncate: Truncate tau to 1. (The default.) * Reweight: Adjust the weights to be close to unity weights. In addition to the above parameters it is assumed that the `var` dict includes the following keys: * 'n': The number of variables on which the channel acts. * 'convert': The precision conversion callable. """ def __init__(self, var): super(GWS, self).__init__(var) @_decorate_validation def validate_channel_parameters(): _generic(('var', 'input_channel_parameters'), 'mapping') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'tau'), ('integer', 'floating'), range_='[0;1]') _generic(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'phi_channel'), 'class', superclass=ValidatedBasicMMSEInputChannel) _generic(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'phi_channel_parameters'), 'mapping') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'use_em'), 'boolean') _numeric(('var', 'n'), 'integer', range_='[0;inf)') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'weights'), 'floating', range_='[0;1]', shape=(var['n'], 1), ignore_none=True) _generic(('var', 'convert'), type) if 'adjust_tau_method' in var['input_channel_parameters']: _generic( ('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'adjust_tau_method'), 'string', value_in=('truncate', 'reweight')) validate_channel_parameters() c_params = var['input_channel_parameters'] channel_init = copy.copy(var) channel_init['input_channel_parameters'] = c_params[ 'phi_channel_parameters'] channel_init['input_channel_parameters']['use_em'] = False self._use_em = c_params['use_em'] # Whether or not to use EM learning self._n = var['convert'](var['n']) self._adjust_tau_method = c_params.get('adjust_tau_method', 'truncate') if c_params['weights'] is not None: self._weights = var['convert'](c_params['weights']) else: self._weights = None self.channel_parameters = _Configger( {'tau': var['convert'](c_params['tau'])}, {'tau': _numeric(None, 'floating', range_='[0;1]')}) self.phi_channel = c_params['phi_channel'](channel_init) self.phi_channel_parameters = self.phi_channel.channel_parameters
[docs] def compute(self, var): """ Compute the GWS input channel value. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing of the input channel value. Returns ------- mean : ndarray The computed input channel mean. variance : ndarray The computed input channel variance. """ super(GWS, self).compute(var) r = var['r'] s = var['s'] tau = self.channel_parameters['tau'] w = self._weights phi_mean, phi_variance = self.phi_channel.compute(var) norm_rv_pdf_zero = var['convert'](stats.norm( loc=np.float_(r), scale=np.sqrt(s, dtype=np.float_)).pdf(0)) Z_phi = self.phi_channel.compute_Z(var) if w is not None: tw = tau * w pi = 1 / (1 + ((1 - tw) * norm_rv_pdf_zero / (tw * Z_phi))) else: pi = 1 / (1 + ((1 - tau) * norm_rv_pdf_zero / (tau * Z_phi))) # New values of alpha_bar (mean) and alpha_tilde (variance) mean = pi * phi_mean variance = pi * (phi_variance + phi_mean**2) - mean**2 if self._use_em: # tau scaling if w is not None: ts = np.sum(w) else: ts = self._n # tau update tau = np.sum(pi) / ts if tau > 1: tau = self._adjust_tau(tau, pi, self._adjust_tau_method) self.channel_parameters['tau'] = var['convert'](tau) # phi channel parameters updates for phi_parameter in sorted(self.phi_channel_parameters.keys()): parameter_update = 1 / (ts * tau) * np.sum( pi * self.phi_channel.get_EM_element(phi_parameter)) self.phi_channel_parameters[phi_parameter] = var['convert']( parameter_update) return mean, variance
[docs] def _adjust_tau(self, tau, pi, method): """ Adjust the value of tau if its EM-update is larger than one. Parameters ---------- tau : float The current value of tau. pi : ndarray The current GAMP posterior support probabilities. method : {'truncate', 'reweight'} The adjustment method to use. Returns ------- tau : float The adjusted value of tau. """ if method == 'truncate': tau = 1 elif method == 'reweight': pi_sum = np.sum(pi) while tau > 1: if self._weights.mean() > 0.95: # Attempt to avoid (near) infinite loop by forcing # equal weights if it seems reasonable self._weights = np.ones_like(self._weights) else: # Adjust weights to (hopefully) get tau=1 new_weights = self._weights * tau new_weights[new_weights > 1] = 1 self._weights = new_weights tau = pi_sum / np.sum(self._weights) return tau
[docs]class IIDG(ValidatedBasicMMSEInputChannel): """ An i.i.d. Gaussian MMSE input channel. Parameters ---------- theta_bar : float or int The prior Gaussian mean. theta_tilde : float or int The prior Gaussian variance. use_em : bool The indicator of whether or not to use Expectation Maximazion (EM) to learn the prior parameters. Notes ----- The above Parameters are the input channel parameters that must be passed in a `var` dict to the channel constructor. If `use_em` is True, the values given for `theta_bar`, and `theta_tilde` are used for initialialisation. In addition to the above parameters it is assumed that the `var` dict includes the following keys: * 'n': The number of variables on which the channel acts. * 'convert': The precision conversion callable. """ def __init__(self, var): super(IIDG, self).__init__(var) @_decorate_validation def validate_channel_parameters(): _generic(('var', 'input_channel_parameters'), 'mapping') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'theta_bar'), ('integer', 'floating')) _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'theta_tilde'), ('integer', 'floating'), range_='[0;inf)') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'use_em'), 'boolean') _numeric(('var', 'n'), 'integer', range_='[0;inf)') _generic(('var', 'convert'), type) validate_channel_parameters() c_params = var['input_channel_parameters'] self._use_em = c_params['use_em'] # Whether or not to use EM learning self._EM_states = {'mean': np.nan, 'variance': np.nan} self._n = var['convert'](var['n']) self.channel_parameters = _Configger( {'theta_bar': var['convert'](c_params['theta_bar']), 'theta_tilde': var['convert'](c_params['theta_tilde'])}, {'theta_bar': _numeric(None, 'floating'), 'theta_tilde': _numeric(None, 'floating', range_='[0;inf)')})
[docs] def compute(self, var): """ Compute the IIDG input channel value. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing of the input channel value. Returns ------- mean : ndarray The computed input channel mean. variance : ndarray The computed input channel variance. """ super(IIDG, self).compute(var) s = var['s'] r = var['r'] theta_bar = self.channel_parameters['theta_bar'] theta_tilde = self.channel_parameters['theta_tilde'] # New values of alpha_bar (mean) and alpha_tilde (variance) mean = (theta_bar * s + theta_tilde * r) / (s + theta_tilde) variance = 1 / (1 / theta_tilde + 1 / s) self._EM_states['mean'] = mean self._EM_states['variance'] = variance if self._use_em: # EM update of theta_bar theta_bar = 1.0 / self._n * np.sum(mean) self.channel_parameters['theta_bar'] = var['convert'](theta_bar) # EM update of theta_tilde theta_tilde = 1.0 / self._n * np.sum( (mean - theta_bar)**2 + variance) self.channel_parameters['theta_tilde'] = var['convert']( theta_tilde) return mean, variance
[docs] def compute_Z(self, var): """ Compute the IIDG input channel normalisation constant. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing of the normalisation constant. Returns ------- Z : ndarray The computed normalisation constant. """ super(IIDG, self).compute_Z(var) s = var['s'] r = var['r'] theta_bar = self.channel_parameters['theta_bar'] theta_tilde = self.channel_parameters['theta_tilde'] Z = 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (theta_tilde + s)) * np.exp( -(theta_bar - r)**2 / (2 * (theta_tilde + s))) return Z
[docs] def get_EM_element(self, channel_parameter): """ Return the element needed in computing the channel_parameter EM update. Parameters ---------- channel_parameter : str The channel parameter for which the EM element is needed. Returns ------- EM_element : ndarray The EM element needed for the channel parameter EM update. """ super(IIDG, self).get_EM_element(channel_parameter) @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('channel_parameter', 'string', value_in=('theta_bar', 'theta_tilde')) validate_input() mean = self._EM_states['mean'] variance = self._EM_states['variance'] theta_bar = self.channel_parameters['theta_bar'] if channel_parameter == 'theta_bar': EM_element = mean elif channel_parameter == 'theta_tilde': EM_element = (mean - theta_bar)**2 + variance return EM_element
[docs]class IIDL(ValidatedBasicMMSEInputChannel): """ An i.i.d. Laplace MMSE input channel. This channel is a generalisation of the Laplacian prior detailed in [5]_. Specifically, the Laplace term is allowed to have a mean different from zero. Parameters ---------- mu : float or int The prior Laplace mean. b : float or int The prior Laplace scale parameter (i.e. 1/lambda with lambda the rate parameter). use_em : bool The indicator of whether or not to use Expectation Maximazion (EM) to learn the prior parameters. Notes ----- The above Parameters are the input channel parameters that must be passed in a `var` dict to the channel constructor. If `use_em` is True, the values given for `mu`, and `b` are used for initialialisation. In addition to the above parameters it is assumed that the `var` dict includes the following keys: * 'n': The number of variables on which the channel acts. * 'convert': The precision conversion callable. References ---------- .. [5] J. Ziniel "Message Passing Approaches to Compressive Inference Under Structured Signal Priors", Ph.D. dissertation, Graduate School of The Ohio State University, 2014. """ def __init__(self, var): super(IIDL, self).__init__(var) @_decorate_validation def validate_channel_parameters(): _generic(('var', 'input_channel_parameters'), 'mapping') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'mu'), ('integer', 'floating')) _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'b'), ('integer', 'floating'), range_='(0;inf)') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'use_em'), 'boolean') _numeric(('var', 'n'), 'integer', range_='[0;inf)') _generic(('var', 'convert'), type) validate_channel_parameters() c_params = var['input_channel_parameters'] self._use_em = c_params['use_em'] # Whether or not to use EM learning self._EM_states = {'all_u': np.nan, 'all_o': np.nan} self._n = var['convert'](var['n']) self._std_norm_rv = stats.norm() self.channel_parameters = _Configger( {'mu': var['convert'](c_params['mu']), 'b': var['convert'](c_params['b'])}, {'mu': _numeric(None, 'floating'), 'b': _numeric(None, 'floating', range_='(0;inf)')})
[docs] def compute(self, var): """ Compute the IIDL input channel value. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing of the input channel value. Returns ------- mean : ndarray The computed input channel mean. variance : ndarray The computed input channel variance. """ super(IIDL, self).compute(var) s = var['s'] r = var['r'] mu = self.channel_parameters['mu'] b = self.channel_parameters['b'] s_sqrt = np.sqrt(s) r_check = r - mu r_u = r_check + s / b r_o = r_check - s / b r_u_s = r_u / s_sqrt r_o_s = r_o / s_sqrt Z_I_u = 0.5 / b * np.exp( 0.5 * s / b**2 + r_check / b) * var['convert']( self._std_norm_rv.cdf(np.float_(-r_u_s))) Z_I_o = 0.5 / b * np.exp( 0.5 * s / b**2 - r_check / b) * var['convert']( self._std_norm_rv.cdf(np.float_(r_o_s))) npcr_u = self._npcr(-r_u_s) npcr_o = self._npcr(r_o_s) ETN_u = (r_u - s_sqrt * npcr_u) ETN_o = (r_o + s_sqrt * npcr_o) Z_I = Z_I_u + Z_I_o Z_I_u_rat = Z_I_u / Z_I Z_I_o_rat = Z_I_o / Z_I all_u = Z_I_u_rat * ETN_u all_o = Z_I_o_rat * ETN_o # New values of alpha_bar (mean) and alpha_tilde (variance) mean = mu + all_u + all_o variance = 2 * mu * mean - mu**2 + ( Z_I_u_rat * (s * (1 - npcr_u * (npcr_u - r_u_s)) + ETN_u**2) + Z_I_o_rat * (s * (1 - npcr_o * (npcr_o + r_o_s)) + ETN_o**2) ) - mean**2 self._EM_states['all_u'] = all_u self._EM_states['all_o'] = all_o if self._use_em: # EM update of b b = 1 / self._n * np.sum(all_o - all_u) self.channel_parameters['b'] = var['convert'](b) # EM update of mu mu = 1 / self._n * np.sum(mean) self.channel_parameters['mu'] = var['convert'](mu) return mean, variance
[docs] def compute_Z(self, var): """ Compute the IIDL input channel normalisation constant. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing of the normalisation constant. Returns ------- Z : ndarray The computed normalisation constant. """ super(IIDL, self).compute_Z(var) s = var['s'] r = var['r'] mu = self.channel_parameters['mu'] b = self.channel_parameters['b'] s_sqrt = np.sqrt(s) r_check = r - mu r_u_s = (r_check + s / b) / s_sqrt r_o_s = (r_check - s / b) / s_sqrt Z = 0.5 / b * np.exp(0.5 * s / b**2) * ( var['convert'](self._std_norm_rv.cdf(np.float_(-r_u_s))) * np.exp(r_check / b) + var['convert'](self._std_norm_rv.cdf(np.float_(r_o_s))) / np.exp(r_check / b)) return Z
[docs] def get_EM_element(self, channel_parameter): """ Return the element needed in computing the channel_parameter EM update. Parameters ---------- channel_parameter : str The channel parameter for which the EM element is needed. Returns ------- EM_element : ndarray The EM element needed for the channel parameter EM update. """ super(IIDL, self).get_EM_element(channel_parameter) @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('channel_parameter', 'string', value_in=('mu', 'b')) validate_input() all_u = self._EM_states['all_u'] all_o = self._EM_states['all_o'] mu = self.channel_parameters['mu'] if channel_parameter == 'mu': EM_element = mu + all_u + all_o elif channel_parameter == 'b': EM_element = all_o - all_u return EM_element
[docs] def _npcr(self, x): """ Return the pdf/cdf ratio of a standard normal RV evaluated at x. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray The values to evaluate the ratio at. Returns ------- npcr_values : ndarray The evaluated ratios. """ convert = x.dtype.type npcr_values = (2 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) / convert(special.erfcx( -np.float_(x / np.sqrt(2)))) return npcr_values
[docs]class IIDBG(ValidatedMMSEInputChannel): """ An i.i.d. Bernoulli Gauss MMSE input channel. This channel is based on equations (6), (7) in [3]_ and allows for using Expectation Maximization (EM) for learning the channel parameters as detailed in equations (19), (25), and (32) in [3]_ (see also [4]_ for an introduction to EM for GAMP). Parameters ---------- tau : float or int The prior signal "density" (fraction of Gauss to Bernouilli). theta_bar : float or int The prior Gaussian mean. theta_tilde : float or int The prior Gaussian variance. use_em : bool The indicator of whether or not to use Expectation Maximazion (EM) to learn the prior parameters. Notes ----- The above Parameters are the input channel parameters that must be passed in a `var` dict to the channel constructor. If `use_em` is True, the values given for `tau`, `theta_bar`, and `theta_tilde` are used for initialialisation. In addition to the above parameters it is assumed that the `var` dict includes the following keys: * 'n': The number of variables on which the channel acts. * 'convert': The precision conversion callable. This channel is theoretically equivalent to the `IIDsGB` channel. However, due to numerical subtleties, it may give different results. References ---------- .. [3] J. Vila, J. and P. Schniter, "Expectation-Maximization Bernoulli-Gaussian Approximate Message Passing", *in Forty Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR)*, pp. 799-803, Pacific Grove, California, USA, Nov. 6-9, 2011 .. [4] J. P. Vila and P. Schniter, "Expectation-Maximization Gaussian-Mixture Approximate Message Passing", *IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing*, 2013, vol. 61, no. 19, pp. 4658-4672, Oct. 2013. """ def __init__(self, var): super(IIDBG, self).__init__(var) @_decorate_validation def validate_channel_parameters(): _generic(('var', 'input_channel_parameters'), 'mapping') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'tau'), ('integer', 'floating'), range_='[0;1]') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'theta_bar'), ('integer', 'floating')) _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'theta_tilde'), ('integer', 'floating'), range_='[0;inf)') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'use_em'), 'boolean') _numeric(('var', 'n'), 'integer', range_='[0;inf)') _generic(('var', 'convert'), type) validate_channel_parameters() c_params = var['input_channel_parameters'] self.use_em = c_params['use_em'] # Whether or not to use EM learning self.tau = var['convert'](c_params['tau']) self.theta_bar = var['convert'](c_params['theta_bar']) self.theta_tilde = var['convert'](c_params['theta_tilde']) self.n = var['convert'](var['n']) # GWS setup GWS_channel_params = { 'tau': self.tau, 'weights': None, 'phi_channel': IIDG, 'phi_channel_parameters': { 'theta_bar': self.theta_bar, 'theta_tilde': self.theta_tilde, 'use_em': False}, 'use_em': self.use_em} channel_init = copy.copy(var) channel_init['input_channel_parameters'] = GWS_channel_params self._GWS_channel = GWS(channel_init)
[docs] def compute(self, var): """ Compute the IIDBG input channel value. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing of the input channel value. Returns ------- mean : ndarray The computed input channel mean. variance : ndarray The computed input channel variance. """ super(IIDBG, self).compute(var) # Offload computations to GWS channel mean, variance = self._GWS_channel.compute(var) self.tau = self._GWS_channel.channel_parameters['tau'] self.theta_bar = self._GWS_channel.phi_channel_parameters['theta_bar'] self.theta_tilde = self._GWS_channel.phi_channel_parameters[ 'theta_tilde'] return mean, variance
[docs]class IIDsGB(ValidatedMMSEInputChannel): """ An i.i.d. sparse Gauss Bernoulli MMSE input channel. This channel is based on equations (68), (69) in [1]_ and allows for using Expectation Maximization (EM) for learning the channel parameters as detailed in equations (74), (78), and (79) in [1]_ (see also [2]_ for an introduction to EM for GAMP). Parameters ---------- tau : float or int The prior signal "density" (fraction of Gauss to Bernouilli). theta_bar : float or int The prior Gaussian mean. theta_tilde : float or int The prior Gaussian variance. use_em : bool The indicator of whether or not to use Expectation Maximazion (EM) to learn the prior parameters. em_damping : float or int The damping of the EM updates (if using EM). Notes ----- The above Parameters are the input channel parameters that must be passed in a `var` dict to the channel constructor. If `use_em` is True, the values given for `tau`, `theta_bar`, and `theta_tilde` are used for initialialisation. The `em_damping` must be in [0, 1) with 0 being no damping. In addition to the above parameters it is assumed that the `var` dict includes the following keys: * 'n': The number of variables on which the channel acts. * 'm': The number of measurements on which the estimation is based. * 'convert': The precision conversion callable. This channel is theoretically equivalent to the `IIDBG` channel. However, due to numerical subtleties, it may give different results. References ---------- .. [1] F. Krzakala, M. Mezard, F. Sausset, Y. Sun, and L. Zdeborova, "Probabilistic reconstruction in compressed sensing: algorithms, phase diagrams, and threshold achieving matrices", *Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment*, vol. P08009, pp. 1-57, Aug. 2012. .. [2] J. P. Vila and P. Schniter, "Expectation-Maximization Gaussian-Mixture Approximate Message Passing", *IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing*, 2013, vol. 61, no. 19, pp. 4658-4672, Oct. 2013. """ def __init__(self, var): super(IIDsGB, self).__init__(var) @_decorate_validation def validate_channel_parameters(): _generic(('var', 'input_channel_parameters'), 'mapping') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'tau'), ('integer', 'floating'), range_='[0;1]') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'theta_bar'), ('integer', 'floating')) _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'theta_tilde'), ('integer', 'floating'), range_='[0;inf)') _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'use_em'), 'boolean') _numeric(('var', 'n'), 'integer', range_='[0;inf)') _numeric(('var', 'm'), 'integer', range_='[0;inf)') _generic(('var', 'convert'), type) if var['input_channel_parameters']['use_em']: _numeric(('var', 'input_channel_parameters', 'em_damping'), ('integer', 'floating'), range_='[0;1)') validate_channel_parameters() c_params = var['input_channel_parameters'] m = var['convert'](var['m']) self.use_em = c_params['use_em'] # Whether or not to use EM learning if self.use_em: # EM damping level self.em_damp = var['convert'](c_params['em_damping']) self.tau = var['convert'](c_params['tau']) self.theta_bar = var['convert'](c_params['theta_bar']) self.theta_tilde = var['convert'](c_params['theta_tilde']) self.n = var['convert'](var['n']) = var['convert'](m / self.n)
[docs] def compute(self, var): """ Compute the IIDsGB input channel value. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing of the input channel value. Returns ------- mean : ndarray The computed input channel mean. variance : ndarray The computed input channel variance. """ super(IIDsGB, self).compute(var) s = var['s'] r = var['r'] tau = self.tau theta_bar = self.theta_bar theta_tilde = self.theta_tilde q_denom = s + theta_tilde q_bar = (s * theta_bar + r * theta_tilde) / q_denom q_tilde = s * theta_tilde / q_denom fct1 = np.sqrt(1 + theta_tilde / s) arg1 = ((-r**2 * theta_tilde + s * theta_bar * (theta_bar - 2 * r)) / (2 * s * (s + theta_tilde))) fct2 = tau + (1 - tau) * fct1 * np.exp(arg1) # New values of alpha_bar (mean) and alpha_tilde (variance) mean = q_bar * tau / fct2 variance = tau * (q_tilde + q_bar**2) / fct2 - mean**2 if self.use_em: # EM update of tau # See Eq. (74) in [2] qem1 = 1/theta_tilde + 1/s qem2 = r / s + theta_bar / theta_tilde qem_exp = np.exp( 1/2 * (qem2**2 / qem1 - theta_bar**2 / theta_tilde)) qem_num = np.sum(qem1 / qem2 * mean) qem_denom = np.sum( 1 / (1 - tau + tau * np.sqrt(qem1 / theta_tilde) * qem_exp)) tau_f = qem_num / qem_denom if tau_f > tau_f = tau = (1 - self.em_damp) * tau_f + self.em_damp * tau self.tau = var['convert'](tau) # EM update of theta_bar # See Eq. (78) in [2] theta_bar_f = np.sum(mean) / (tau * self.n) theta_bar = ((1 - self.em_damp) * theta_bar_f + self.em_damp * theta_bar) self.theta_bar = var['convert'](theta_bar) # EM update of theta_tilde # See Eq. (79) in [2] theta_tilde_f = np.sum( variance + mean**2) / (tau * self.n) - theta_bar**2 if theta_tilde_f < 0: theta_tilde_f = var['convert'](0) theta_tilde = ((1 - self.em_damp) * theta_tilde_f + self.em_damp * theta_tilde) self.theta_tilde = var['convert'](theta_tilde) return mean, variance