Source code for magni.cs.reconstruction.amp.threshold_operator

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Module providing threshold functions for the Approximate Message Passing (AMP)

Routine listings
    A base class for validated `magni.cs.reconstruction.amp` threshold operator
    A soft threshold operator.


from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats

from magni.utils.validation import decorate_validation as _decorate_validation
from magni.utils.validation import validate_generic as _generic
from magni.utils.validation import validate_numeric as _numeric
from magni.utils.validation import validate_once as _validate_once
from magni.utils.validation.types import (
    ThresholdOperator as _ThresholdOperator)

[docs]class ValidatedThresholdOperator(_ThresholdOperator): """ A base class for validated `magni.cs.reconstruction.amp` threshold operator Parameters ---------- var : dict The threshold operator state variables. """ def __init__(self, var): super(ValidatedThresholdOperator, self).__init__(var) @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('var', 'mapping') validate_input() @_validate_once
[docs] def compute_deriv_threshold(self, var): """ Compute the entrywise derivative threshold. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing the derivative threshold. Returns ------- eta_deriv : ndarray The computed entrywise derivative threshold. Notes ----- This method honors `magni.utils.validation.enable_allow_validate_once`. """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('var', 'mapping') validate_input()
[docs] def compute_threshold(self, var): """ Compute the entrywise threshold. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing the threshold. Returns ------- eta : ndarray The computed entrywise threshold. Notes ----- This method honors `magni.utils.validation.enable_allow_validate_once`. """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('var', 'mapping') validate_input()
[docs] def update_threshold_level(self, var): """ Update the threshold level state. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing the threshold level update. Notes ----- This method honors `magni.utils.validation.enable_allow_validate_once`. """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('var', 'mapping') validate_input()
[docs]class SoftThreshold(ValidatedThresholdOperator): """ A soft threshold operator. This soft threshold operator is based on the description of it and its use in AMP as given in [1]_ with corrections from [2]_. Parameters ---------- threshold_level_update_method : {'residual', 'median'} The method to use for updating the threshold level. theta : float The tunable regularisation parameter in the threshold level. tau_hat_sq : float The mean squared error of the (approximated) un-thresholded estimate used to determine the threshold level. Notes ----- The above Parameters are the threshold parameters that must be passed in a `var` dict to the threshold constructor. References ---------- .. [1] A. Montanari, "Graphical models concepts in compressed sensing" *in Compressed Sensing: Theory and Applications*, Y. C. Eldar and G. Kutyniok (Ed.), Cambridge University Press, ch. 9, pp. 394-438, 2012. .. [2] J. T. Parker, "Approximate Message Passing Algorithms for Generalized Bilinear Inference", PhD Thesis, Graduate School of The Ohio State University, 2014 """ def __init__(self, var): super(SoftThreshold, self).__init__(var) @_decorate_validation def validate_threshold_parameters(): _generic(('var', 'threshold_parameters'), 'mapping') _generic(('var', 'threshold_parameters', 'threshold_level_update_method'), 'string', value_in=['residual', 'median']) _numeric(('var', 'threshold_parameters', 'theta'), ('integer', 'floating'), range_='(0;inf)') _numeric(('var', 'threshold_parameters', 'tau_hat_sq'), ('integer', 'floating'), range_='[0;inf)') validate_threshold_parameters() t_params = var['threshold_parameters'] self.theta = t_params['theta'] # alpha in Eq. (9.44) in [1]. self.tau_hat_sq = var['convert'](t_params['tau_hat_sq']) self.update_method = t_params['threshold_level_update_method'] self.m = var['y'].shape[0] self.stdQ1 = var['convert'](scipy.stats.norm.ppf(1 - 0.25))
[docs] def compute_deriv_threshold(self, var): """ Compute the entrywise derivative soft threshold. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing the derivative threshold. Returns ------- eta_deriv : ndarray The computed entrywise derivative threshold. """ super(SoftThreshold, self).compute_deriv_threshold(var) op = var['alpha_bar_prev'] + var['AH_dot_chi'] thres = self.theta * np.sqrt(self.tau_hat_sq) eta_deriv = var['convert']((op > thres) + (op < -thres)) return eta_deriv
[docs] def compute_threshold(self, var): """ Compute the entrywise soft threshold. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing the threshold. Returns ------- eta : ndarray The computed entrywise threshold. """ super(SoftThreshold, self).compute_threshold(var) op = var['alpha_bar'] + var['AH_dot_chi'] thres = self.theta * np.sqrt(self.tau_hat_sq) eta = var['convert']( ((op - thres) * (op > thres) + (op + thres) * (op < -thres))) return eta
[docs] def update_threshold_level(self, var): """ Update the threshold level state. Parameters ---------- var : dict The variables used in computing the threshold level update. """ super(SoftThreshold, self).update_threshold_level(var) chi = var['chi'] if self.update_method == 'residual': # Eq. (9.44) in [1] self.tau_hat_sq = 1.0 / self.m * np.linalg.norm(chi)**2 elif self.update_method == 'median': # Eq. (9.45) in [1] corrected according to [2] self.tau_hat_sq = ( 1.0 / self.stdQ1 * np.median(np.abs(chi)))**2