
Module providing the core Iterative Thresholding (IT) algorithm.

Routine listings

run(y, A)
Run the IT reconstruction algorithm.

See also
Configuration options.
Available step-size strategies.
Available stop criteria.
Available threshold estimators.
Available threshold operators


The default configuration of the IT algorithm provides the Iterative Hard Thresholding (IHT) algorithm [1] using the False Alarm Rate (FAR) heuristic from [2]. By default a residual measurements ratio step criterion is used. The algorithm may also be configured to act as the Iterative Soft Thresholding (IST) [3] algorithm with the soft threshold from [4].


[1]T. Blumensath and M.E. Davies, “Iterative Thresholding for Sparse Approximations”, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, vol. 14, pp. 629-654, Sep. 2008.
[2]A. Maleki and D.L. Donoho, “Optimally Tuned Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms for Compressed Sensing”, IEEE Journal Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 330-341, Apr. 2010.
[3]I. Daubechies, M. Defrise, and C. D. Mol, “An Iterative Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse Problems with a Sparsity Constraint”, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 1413-1457, Nov. 2004.
[4]D.L. Donoho, “De-Noising by Soft-Thresholding”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 613-627, May. 1995., A)[source]

Run the IT reconstruction algorithm.

  • y (ndarray) – The m x 1 measurement vector.
  • A (ndarray or magni.utils.matrices.{Matrix, MatrixCollection}) – The m x n matrix which is the product of the measurement matrix and the dictionary matrix.

  • alpha (ndarray) – The n x 1 reconstructed coefficient vector.
  • history (dict, optional) – The dictionary of various measures tracked in the IT iterations.


Optionally, the algorithm may be configured to save and return the iteration history along with the reconstruction result. The returned history contains the following:

  • alpha : Reconstruction coefficient estimates
  • MSE : Solution mean squared error (if the true solution is known).
  • stop_criterion : The currently used stop criterion.
  • stop_criterion_value : The value of the stop criterion.
  • stop_iteration : The iteration at which the algorithm stopped.
  • stop_reason : The reason for termination of the algorithm.


For example, recovering a vector from random measurements using IHT with the FAR heuristic

>>> import numpy as np, magni
>>> from import run
>>> np.random.seed(seed=6021)
>>> A = 1 / np.sqrt(90) * np.random.randn(90, 200)
>>> alpha = np.zeros((200, 1))
>>> alpha[:10] = 1
>>> y =
>>> alpha_hat = run(y, A)
>>> alpha_hat[:12]
array([[ 0.99748945],
       [ 1.00082074],
       [ 0.99726507],
       [ 0.99987834],
       [ 1.00025857],
       [ 1.00003266],
       [ 1.00021666],
       [ 0.99838884],
       [ 1.00018356],
       [ 0.99859105],
       [ 0.        ],
       [ 0.        ]])
>>> (np.abs(alpha_hat) > 1e-2).sum()

Or recover the same vector as above using IST with a fixed number of non-thresholded coefficients

>>> it_config = {'threshold_operator': 'soft', 'threshold': 'fixed',
... 'threshold_fixed': 10}
>>> alpha_hat = run(y, A)
>>> alpha_hat[:12]
array([[ 0.99822443],
       [ 0.99888724],
       [ 0.9982493 ],
       [ 0.99928642],
       [ 0.99964131],
       [ 0.99947346],
       [ 0.9992809 ],
       [ 0.99872624],
       [ 0.99916842],
       [ 0.99903033],
       [ 0.        ],
       [ 0.        ]])
>>> (np.abs(alpha_hat) > 1e-2).sum()

Or use a weighted IHT method with a fixed number of non-thresholded coefficietns to recover the above signal

>>> weights = np.linspace(1.0, 0.9, 200).reshape(200, 1)
>>> it_config = {'threshold_operator': 'weighted_hard',
... 'threshold_weights': weights}
>>> alpha_hat = run(y, A)
>>> alpha_hat[:12]
array([[ 0.99853888],
       [ 0.99886104],
       [ 0.99843149],
       [ 1.0000333 ],
       [ 1.00060273],
       [ 1.00035539],
       [ 0.99966219],
       [ 0.99912209],
       [ 0.99961541],
       [ 0.99952029],
       [ 0.        ],
       [ 0.        ]])
>>> (np.abs(alpha_hat) > 1e-2).sum()