Source code for magni.reproducibility._annotation

    Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Magni developers.
    All rights reserved.
    See LICENSE.rst for further information.

Module providing functions that may be used to annotate data.

Routine Listings
    Function that returns information about an Anaconda install.
    Function that returns information about the current date and time.
    Function that returns information about the current git revision.
get_file_hashes(path, blocksize=2**30)
    Function that returns the md5 and sha256 checksums of a file.
    Function that returns information about the current configuration of Magni.
    Function that returns genral information about Magni.
    Function that returns information about the platform used to run the code.

The returned annotations are any nested level of dicts of dicts of strings.


from __future__ import division
import contextlib
import datetime
import hashlib
import json
import os
import pkgutil
import platform
import pydoc
import re
import subprocess
import sys

from pkg_resources import parse_version as _parse_version

import magni as _magni
from magni.utils.validation import decorate_validation as _decorate_validation
from magni.utils.validation import validate_generic as _generic
from magni.utils.validation import validate_numeric as _numeric

__all__ = ['get_conda_info', 'get_datetime', 'get_git_revision',
           'get_file_hashes', 'get_magni_config', 'get_magni_info',

[docs]def get_conda_info(): """ Return a dictionary contianing information from Conda. `Conda <>`_ is the package manager for the Anaconda scientific Python distribution. This function will return various information about the Anaconda installation on the system by querying the Conda package database. .. warning:: THIS IS HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL AND MAY BREAK WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. .. note:: This only works with the conda root environment. Returns ------- conda_info : dict Various information from conda (see notes below for further details). Notes ----- If the Python intepreter is unable to locate and import the conda package, an empty dicionary is returned. The returned dictionary contains the same infomation that is returned by "conda info" in addition to an overview of the linked modules in the Anaconda installation as well as information about the "conda env" if it is available. Specifically, the returned dictionary has the following keys: * platform * conda_version * root_prefix * default_prefix * envs_dirs * package_cache * channels * config_file * linked_modules * env_export For conda < 4.2.0, it also includes the key: * is_foreign_system For conda >= 4.2.0, it also includes the keys: * python_version * conda_is_private * offline_mode Additionally, the returned dictionary has a key named *status*, which can have either of the following values: * 'Succeeded' (Everything seems to be OK) * 'Failed' (Something went wrong - a few details are incluede in the key) If "conda-env" is installed on the system, the `env_export` essentially holds the infomation from "conda env export -n root" as a dictionary. The information provided by this key partially overlaps with the infomation in the `linked_modules` and `modules_info` keys. """ try: import conda import conda.config import conda.install except ImportError: return {'status': 'Failed: Conda not importable'} # Conda info + linked modules if _parse_version(conda.__version__) >= _parse_version('4.2.0'): try: import import conda.base.context except ImportError: return {'status': 'Failed: Conda context not importable'} conda_channel_urls = conda.base.context.context.channels) else: # Ugly hack to silence the # "Using Anaconda Cloud api site" # message being sent to stderr by the binstar/anaconda client. with _silence_stderr(): conda_channel_urls = conda.config.get_channel_urls() conda_info = {'platform': conda.config.subdir, 'conda_version': conda.__version__, 'root_prefix': conda.config.root_dir, 'default_prefix': conda.config.default_prefix, 'envs_dirs': json.dumps(conda.config.envs_dirs), 'package_cache': json.dumps(conda.config.pkgs_dirs), 'channels': json.dumps(conda_channel_urls), 'config_file': json.dumps(conda.config.rc_path)} # Ugly hack to silence the # "Using Anaconda Cloud api site" # message being sent to stderr by the binstar/anaconda client. with _silence_stderr(): linked_modules = sorted(conda.install.linked(conda.config.root_dir)) if _parse_version(conda.__version__) >= _parse_version('4.2.0'): conda_info['python_version'] = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info)) conda_info['conda_is_private'] = json.dumps( conda.base.context.context.conda_private) conda_info['offline_mode'] = json.dumps( conda.base.context.context.offline) else: conda_info['is_foreign_system'] = json.dumps( bool(conda.config.foreign)) modules_info = {str(module): repr(conda.install.is_linked( conda_info['root_prefix'], module)) for module in linked_modules} conda_info['modules_info'] = json.dumps(modules_info) conda_info['linked_modules'] = json.dumps(repr(linked_modules)) conda_info['status'] = 'Succeeded' # Conda env export try: import conda_env.env conda_info['env_export'] = json.dumps( conda_env.env.from_environment( 'root', conda.config.root_dir).to_dict()) except ImportError: conda_info['env_export'] = 'Failed: conda-env not available' return conda_info
[docs]def get_datetime(): """ Return a dictionary holding the current date and time. Returns ------- date_time : dict The dictionary holding the current date and time. Notes ----- The returned dictionary has the following keys: * today (date and time including timezone offset) * utcnow (UTC date and time) * pretty_utc (UTC date and time formatted according to current locale) * status The status entry informs about the success of the pretty_utc formatting. It has one of the follwing values: * Succeeded (Everything seems OK) * Failed (It was not possible to format the time) """ date_time = {'today': repr(, 'utcnow': datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 'pretty_utc': '', 'status': 'Succeeded'} try: date_time['pretty_utc'] = datetime.datetime.strftime( date_time['utcnow'], '%c') except ValueError: date_time['status'] = 'Failed' date_time['utcnow'] = repr(date_time['utcnow']) return date_time
[docs]def get_git_revision(git_root_dir=None): """ Return a dictionary containing information about the current git revision. Parameters ---------- git_root_dir : str The path to the git root directory to get git revision for (the default is None, which implies that the git revision of the `magni` directory is returned). Returns ------- git_revision : dict Information about the current git revision. Notes ----- If the git revision extract succeeded, the returned dictionary has the following keys: * status (with value 'Succeeded') * tag (output of "git describe") * branch (output of "git describe --all") * remote (output of "git remote -v") If the git revision extract failed, the returned dictionary has the following keys: * status (with value 'Failed') * returncode (returncode from failing git command) * output (output from failing git command) The "git" commands are run in the git root directory. """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('git_root_dir', 'string', ignore_none=True) validate_input() cur_dir = os.getcwd() if git_root_dir is not None: try: os.chdir(git_root_dir) except (IOError, OSError): raise OSError( 'The git_root_dir directory "{!r}".format(git_root_dir)' + 'does not exist') else: os.chdir(os.path.split(_magni.__path__[0])[0]) try: git_revision = { 'tag': str(subprocess.check_output( ['git', 'describe'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)[:-1].decode()), 'branch': str(subprocess.check_output( ['git', 'describe', '--all'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)[:-1].decode()), 'remote': str(subprocess.check_output( ['git', 'remote', '-v'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)[:-1].decode()), 'status': 'Succeeded'} except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: try: e_output = e.output.decode() except AttributeError: e_output = e.output git_revision = {'status': 'Failed: CallProcessError', 'returncode': e.returncode, 'output': e_output} except OSError as e: try: e_strerror = e.strerror.decode() except AttributeError: e_strerror = e.strerror git_revision = {'status': 'Failed: OSError', 'errno': e.errno, 'strrror': e_strerror} os.chdir(cur_dir) return git_revision
[docs]def get_file_hashes(path, blocksize=2**30): """ Return a dictionary with md5 and sha256 checksums of a file. Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the file to checksum. blocksize : int The chunksize (in bytes) to read from the file one at a time. Returns ------- file_hashes : dict The dictionary holding the md5 and sha256 hexdigests of the file. """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('path', 'string') _numeric('blocksize', 'integer', range_='[1;inf)') validate_input() md5sum = hashlib.md5() sha256sum = hashlib.sha256() with open(path, mode='rb') as f_handle: buf = while buf != ''.encode(): md5sum.update(buf) sha256sum.update(buf) buf = file_hashes = {'md5sum': md5sum.hexdigest(), 'sha256sum': sha256sum.hexdigest()} return file_hashes
[docs]def get_magni_config(): """ Return a dictionary holding the current configuration of Magni. Returns ------- magni_config : dict The dictionary holding the current configuration of Magni. Notes ----- The returned dictionary has a key for each of the `config` modules in Magni and its subpackages. The value of a given key is a dictionary with the current configuration of the corresponding `config` module. Furthermore, the returned dictionary has a status key, which can have either of the following values: * Succeeded (The entire configuration was extracted) * Failed (It was not possible to get information from one or more modules) """ packages = pkgutil.walk_packages(path=_magni.__path__, prefix=_magni.__name__ + '.') magni_config = dict() try: for importer, modname, ispkg in packages: if modname[-8:] == '._config': try: settings = dict(eval('_' + modname).configger.items()) except AttributeError: # Skip base Configgers, e.g. cs.reconcstruction.config pass else: for setting in settings: if not isinstance(settings[setting], str): settings[setting] = repr(settings[setting]) magni_config[modname[:-7] + modname[-6:]] = settings magni_config['status'] = 'Succeeded' except AttributeError: magni_config['status'] = 'Failed' return magni_config
[docs]def get_magni_info(): """ Return a string representation of the output of help(magni). Returns ------- magni_info : dict Information about magni. Notes ----- The returned dictionary has a single key: * help_magni (a string representation of help(magni)) """ magni_info = pydoc.render_doc(_magni) magni_info, subs = re.subn(r'\x08([A-Z]|[a-z]|_)?', '', magni_info) return {'help_magni': magni_info}
[docs]def get_platform_info(): """ Return a dictionary containing information about the system platform. Returns ------- platform_info : dict Various information about the system platform. See Also -------- platform : The Python module used to query information about the system. Notes ----- The returned dictionary has the following keys: * system * node * release * version * processor * python * libc * linux * mac_os * win32 * status The linux/mac_os/win32 entries are "empty" if they are not applicable. If the processor information returned by `platform` is "empty", a query of `lscpu` is attempted in order to provide the necessary information. The status entry informs about the success of the queries. It has one of the follwing values: * 'All OK' (everything seems to be OK) * 'Used lscpu in processor query' (`lscpu` was used) * 'Processor query failed' (failed to get processor information) """ platform_info = {'system': json.dumps(platform.system()), 'node': json.dumps(platform.node()), 'release': json.dumps(platform.release()), 'version': json.dumps(platform.version()), 'machine': json.dumps(platform.machine()), 'processor': json.dumps(platform.processor()), 'python': json.dumps(platform.python_version()), 'libc': json.dumps(platform.libc_ver()), 'linux': json.dumps(platform.linux_distribution()), 'mac_os': json.dumps(platform.mac_ver()), 'win32': json.dumps(platform.win32_ver()), 'status': 'All OK'} if platform_info['processor'] == '': try: platform_info['processor'] = str( subprocess.check_output(['lscpu']).decode()) platform_info['status'] = 'Used lscpu in processor query' except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): platform_info['status'] = 'Processor query failed' return platform_info
@contextlib.contextmanager def _silence_stderr(): """ A context manager for silencing stderr. """ _stderr = sys.stderr with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as null: sys.stderr = null yield sys.stderr = _stderr